Neal Gooch




Neal and his wife Jennifer met on mission in Bangkok, Thailand in 1992, married in 1993 and have 5 young adult sons. Today, they live and serve in Johannesburg, South Africa where they have been based since 2002.

From Neal's earliest years around the US Air Force base in Dover, Delaware, he has always enjoyed learning, working hard, cross-cultural relationships, missional-orientation, entrepreneurship, and sports of all kinds. As part of his journey, Neal studied Business Management while playing NCAA Division II football at the University of West Georgia. It was during this time when he became a passionate Christ-follower and this set the stage for integrated growth in faith, life, sports, and career/education while aiming to help others, mostly teammates around him, to do the same.

Over the following 30+ years, Neal has worked with a young but fast-growing, globally-situated organization (1989-2011) where he enjoyed years of focus on Personal, Leadership & Organizational Development and significant personal ministry among athletes including several chaplaincy roles with teams, churches & other faith based organizations. Since 2011, Neal has been founding Director of a missionally-minded Think-Tank/Consultancy Organization called CityWise that works especially in Collaborative relationships with Urban-based organizations of all kinds to seek to enhance their fruitfulness/impact.

Living internationally for the past 20+ years, Neal, truly loves playing and watching sports of all kinds (except Cricket).

Having known Bob Dyar since the mid-90s, JGR and CedeSports from their origins, it is a privilege and pleasure to get to work alongside all in the CedeSports ecosystem!